How to Know If I’ve Been Blocked on WhatsApp: Tips and Indicators

Image: Yandex

WhatsApp has become an essential communication tool for many people, and it’s natural to want to know if we’ve been blocked by someone at some point.

Although WhatsApp doesn’t provide a direct notification when someone blocks us, there are some signs and indicators that can help determine if we’ve been blocked by a contact.

In this article, we will discuss these signs and provide tips to identify if you have been blocked on WhatsApp.


How to know if I’ve been blocked on WhatsApp

Undelivered messages

One of the first indicators that you may have been blocked on WhatsApp is the absence of message delivery.

If, when sending a message to a contact, you notice that it is never marked as delivered (only displays a single checkmark), this may be a sign of being blocked.

However, it’s worth noting that this indication is not conclusive, as it can also occur due to connection issues or the contact turning off their phone or uninstalling WhatsApp.

Absence of profile picture and status information

Another sign that may indicate you have been blocked is the absence of a contact’s profile picture and status information.

When someone blocks you, their profile picture and status become invisible to you.


However, it’s important to consider that this absence may be the result of the user’s personal choices, such as opting not to have a profile picture or share a status.

Failed calls

If you were previously able to make voice or video calls with a contact and suddenly can’t anymore, this may be an indication of being blocked.

When someone blocks you on WhatsApp, all call attempts will not go through, and you will receive a message informing you that the call cannot be completed.

It’s important to note that other factors, such as connection problems or the contact’s own settings, can also interfere with call completion.

Remember that these indicators are not definitive proof of being blocked on WhatsApp. It’s always recommended to directly confirm with the contact if there have been any communication issues.

Respect people’s privacy and use WhatsApp responsibly and ethically.


Disappearance of the “Last Seen” Indicator

When you are blocked by someone on WhatsApp, the “Last Seen” information disappears from your screen when viewing the contact’s details.

This means that you won’t be able to see when the contact was last online.

However, it’s important to note that this information can be hidden by any user, regardless of being blocked.

Adding the contact to a group

An additional way to check if you’ve been blocked on WhatsApp is to try adding the contact to a group.

If you’ve been blocked, you won’t be able to add the person to the group, and the app will display a message informing you that it was not possible to add the contact.

However, this can also be an inconclusive indication, as the person may have privacy settings that don’t allow them to be added to groups without prior permission.

Creating a new account or using a different number

A more drastic option that can provide a definitive answer is to create a new WhatsApp account using a different phone number.

If you suspect that you’ve been blocked by a specific contact, create a new account and add them as a contact to see if they appear or respond.


Although WhatsApp does not provide a direct notification when someone blocks us, there are several signs that can indicate a block.

However, it’s important to consider that these signs are not conclusive and may have other explanations besides being blocked.