Exploring Past Lives Through Apps

Image: Yandex

In recent years, a series of past life apps have emerged in the market, offering users the opportunity to investigate their alleged previous experiences. 

Although the scientific accuracy of these apps is often questioned, they continue to attract an audience interested in exploring spirituality and self-awareness. Below, we highlight some of these apps and their distinct features.

Past Life Apps

Past Life Regression Hypnosis

This app offers an approach through hypnosis to explore past lives. It features a variety of audio hypnosis sessions, each intended to induce a deep state of relaxation and open the mind to memories of previous lives. 


While hypnosis can be a powerful method to access repressed memories, its effectiveness varies from person to person. This app is more suitable for those who are open to less conventional approaches.

Discover Your Past Lives

This app provides a combination of questionnaires, meditations, and guided visualizations to help users uncover possible connections to past lives.

It incorporates questions about behavior patterns, inexplicable fears, and personal preferences to identify potential recurring themes throughout lives. 

Creative visualization is an essential part of this app, where users are guided to imagine scenes from past lives that can provide emotional insights.

Regression Therapy

“Regression Therapy” is an app that focuses on regression therapy, a more therapeutic approach to exploring past lives.


It offers audio-guided therapy sessions, allowing users to delve into repressed memories and work through potential traumas from past lives. While this app may be more directed towards deep emotional issues, it’s important to remember that genuine therapy should be conducted by a qualified professional.

Soul Healing Past Lives

This app combines guided meditations and affirmations to help users release blocks and traumas from past lives. 

It emphasizes spiritual and emotional healing through recognizing and releasing negative patterns rooted in past experiences.

The focus on positive affirmations and self-healing is a unique feature of this app.

Regras – Past Lives Game

In contrast to more serious apps, “Regras” is a mobile game that playfully incorporates the concept of past lives. 

The game allows players to live as different characters in various eras, making decisions that affect the future lives of these characters. 


While not a traditional approach to exploring past lives, the game offers a light and fun way to consider how choices can shape destinies across generations.

Past Life Regression & Reincarnation

This app is designed to provide a comprehensive experience of past life regression. It offers guided hypnosis sessions aimed at helping users access memories of past lives. 

The sessions are conducted through audio and are designed to induce a deep state of relaxation, allowing users to connect with possible past experiences.

In addition to hypnosis sessions, the app also offers additional resources, such as explanations about the concept of reincarnation, insights on how to interpret memories that may arise during regression, and tips for incorporating these experiences into daily life positively.

However, it’s crucial to remember that the effectiveness of hypnosis and past life regressions varies from person to person.

While these experiences can be emotionally powerful and revealing for some, others might not have similar results. 

Therefore, when using this app, it’s important to adopt a skeptical and open-minded approach, while maintaining realistic expectations.

In conclusion, the choice to use past life apps should be based on the understanding that they are primarily tools for personal exploration and self-awareness, rather than validated scientific instruments. 

The journey to explore past lives is a deeply personal and subjective experience, and these apps can serve as aids for such exploration.

However, it’s important to approach them with a critical and skeptical mindset, keeping an open but discerning perspective, and also remembering the limitations and ethical considerations involved.