Climb ELO Faster in League of Legends: 5 Effective Strategies

Imagen: Yandex

League of Legends (LoL) stands as one of the globe’s most renowned strategy games, drawing in countless players to its virtual battlefields.

For many players, a primary objective is to ascend the ELO ladder, the game’s ranking system that mirrors a player’s skill level.

Scaling the ELO ranks can pose challenges, yet armed with suitable strategies, attaining higher tiers can become faster and more efficient.


Within this article, we shall delve into five foundational strategies for accelerating your ELO climb in League of Legends.

Master a Set of Champions

A key strategy for climbing ELO is to master a limited set of champions.

Instead of trying to play with all available champions, focus on a few that fit your playstyle.

By mastering these champions, you become more consistent in your matches and can better explore the nuances of their mechanics.

This allows you to make more informed decisions and improve your chances of victory.


Learn to Control the Map

Map control is crucial in League of Legends. This involves constant monitoring of enemy positions, placing strategic vision (wards), and recognizing opportunities to secure objectives like Dragons and Barons.

By maintaining map control, you can make more conscious decisions and coordinate better with your team, often leading to easier wins.

Improve Your Farming Skills

“Farming,” or earning gold through minion kills, is a fundamental skill for climbing ELO.

The more gold you accumulate, the more items you can buy, and therefore, the stronger you become during the game.

Dedicate time to practicing last-hitting minions, optimizing your farming rate in every match. This can make a significant difference in your performance over time.

Communicate and Collaborate

League of Legends is a team game, and communication is essential for success.


Use the chat constructively, making objective calls, alerting teammates about enemy movements, and coordinating strategies.

However, remember to maintain respectful communication and avoid toxic discussions, as they can harm team morale.

Analyze and Learn from Your Matches

Self-critique and analysis are crucial parts of the improvement process. 

Review your replays to identify mistakes, missed opportunities, and questionable decisions. This will help you recognize patterns, adjust your approach, and continue evolving as a player.

While these strategies are fundamental for climbing ELO faster, it’s important to remember that the improvement process takes time and dedication.

Be willing to adapt. The game’s meta is always changing, and it’s important to adjust your strategy according to shifts in the game.

In summary, climbing ELO in League of Legends requires a balance of mechanical skill, strategy, and teamwork.

By mastering a set of champions, controlling the map, improving your farming skills, communicating effectively, and learning from your matches, you’ll be well on your way to climbing ELO faster and experiencing a higher level of competitiveness in the game.

In conclusion, the journey to climb ELO faster in League of Legends is both a challenge and an opportunity for growth. As you immerse yourself in the world of strategic battles, keep these five effective strategies in mind:

Mastering a select set of champions not only enhances your consistency but also empowers you to explore the depths of their mechanics, leading to more informed decisions and increased chances of triumph.

Embracing map control, through vigilant enemy tracking and strategic ward placements, offers you the advantage of making conscious choices and fostering seamless coordination with your team, ultimately paving the way for more straightforward victories.

Nurturing your farming skills by meticulously perfecting your minion last-hitting technique translates to accumulating more gold, allowing you to bolster your power as the game unfolds.


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